An Act of Love
It strikes me that it is an act of love.
It could have been much simpler.
Why take on human form?
But so it was chosen.
How grateful am I to have one who chose to witness our sorrows, impatiences, pleasures - puny, overwhelming, real. One who chose to walk with us in our difficulties, our temptations and weakness. There was no need. He chose to be with us.
In all this not for a moment drifting from God, from the flawless knowledge of perfect love. Its possibility, its necessity. Its presence in Him radiant; in the world, obscured by sin.
Not for a moment drifting, even till the cross - and the fear, anger, pain, exhaustion, hatred, desperation that must have been. Human as he is.
May we know ourselves to be seen, understood, loved.
May we serve, with the courage to put ourselves aside.
Please God, teach our love to be constant, teach us to love well.
O God, may we tend creation into your true radiance.
Zabrina Ng