God has Other Plans
Remarkable: God makes a covenant not only with a particular nation, or with humans, but with “all flesh that is on the earth.”
I know that detractors of the Christian faith claim that “God” is only used by Christians to claim special status, “God is on our side”, and, in truth, there is much they can point to in our history to support their complaint. The temptation to claim God as our ally and cheerleader is powerful; always has been.
But here, as the story of Noah and the Ark draws to a close, we are reminded that God’s covenant relationship is not only with us, not only with our allies, not even only with all humankind, but with “all flesh.” Noah might be the one who hears that good news and passes it on, but God’s promise is for all, including all those mammals and reptiles and birds and all other manner of beasts that emerged from the ark, and all the fish and sea creatures and water life that swam under it. God’s covenant is with all of God’s creation.
As a sign of that covenant God hangs up that weapon of war, the bow, up in the sky so all can see it just hanging there and remember. God is not holding the bow; that formidable weapon is retired. God’s enmity with the sin of the world will no longer result in warfare; no longer will it be destruction. The retired bow in the sky means God will not act with violence and destruction. If it happened in the mythical past, it will never never happen again.
In fact, Christians know that instead of the bow God acted through the cross. Instead of destruction God chose self-giving. Instead of killing God chose to be killed. Instead of exterminating all flesh God chose to become flesh and give life to all flesh.
The bow in the sky is the assurance that even when life seems poised for destruction, when it feels like the flood gates have been opened and we will surely drown, God has other plans. The cross reminds us that even in those dark days when death seems so obvious and assured, the God of covenant and promise actually joins us… and when God joins us, the surprise of resurrected new life just might be around the corner.
God of life: your rain-bow is a brilliant sign that not only will you never destroy the earth but you have entered into a saving promise and covenant with all that lives. In Jesus Christ you have joined us as one of us, flesh of our flesh. You would rather die on a cross than see your beloved creation destroyed. Enlarge our imaginations, hearts and minds to embrace your promise so we might live rainbow-hued lives of hope and resurrection. We pray in the name of the incarnate One, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Doug Goodwin