He was, After All, Human
Almost every Christian is familiar with the story of Palm Sunday. It’s a classic for any decent Sunday school program, and an iconic lead-up to Holy Week. However, each time I read it, it does not begin to feel less strange. I mean, personally if I was the son of God destined to rule and unite the kingdoms of Heaven and Earth, I would not choose a young donkey as my royal steed. I find it hard to imagine myself as a passerby that day, thinking to myself, “Ah yes, that is the Savior of the world.” Even with the crowd cheering, waving leaves, and bowing to their massiah, I would think less of most of the people involved after that.
Yet, looking back on it today with my somewhat decent understanding and belief of such theological matters, I could not think of a more fitting way for Jesus to enter. He was, after all, human, and not the kind with riches and glamour far too prestigious for the likes of us, but one who was not afraid to get down in the dirt, with the poor, sick, needy, and cast-down people of this world which he so loved. And so, although he could have theoretically summoned a golden chariot with flamethrowers on the back pulled by majestic creatures, he settles for the nearby donkey. The crowd of people needed not for a glorious king, but one who could relate to them and the rest of the broken world. And so they bow down with their palm leaves and worship their lord with the same energy and reverence the world would any other king or deity.
Dear God, thank You that Jesus is a King who gets close to us, especially in our need. Help us to follow him, and do the same for others. Amen.
Jude Miller