Love and Faithfulness
Through this psalm we feel the psalmist’s anxiety in calling out to God to not be forsaken, to be seen and heard. They have devoted their life to God. Life has not been easy yet still they say “I will always have hope.”
I interpret this as hope that God’s love and protection will prosper for generations to come, and show us insights on what living in God’s presence is.
For some this means pursuing righteousness. To me this means becoming a work in progress. This means realizing that our relationship with God is being developed; this relationship is dynamic and reciprocal.
In my own life I have been reflecting on how to grow closer to the Spirit. I try to see His presence in everyday life, through scripture or prayer, or simply admiring the beauty of God’s work in nature or the eyes of another.
While reflecting on this psalm I thought of Galatians 5-22-23 where the apostle Paul details the fruit of the spirit as; love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, generosity, faithfulness and self control. These are not just positive attributes too strive for but ways in which we can walk with the Sprit. We can also share our time and talents generously with those around us. This outflowing brings us closer to each other and to God.
God knows we are all works I progresses, he understands we are not perfect, but acknowledges our determination for a life of love and faithfulness.
Lise Belanger