When All Hope is Lost

Mark 14: 26-51

If Jesus teaches us the words to pray in Matthew when he first delivers the Lord’s prayer, here in the Garden of Gethsemane, he models how to pray when all hope is lost. We can come to God in any circumstance. We too can call out, “God this is too hard, please carry my burden, take my pain from me.” In fact, when all hope is lost, God remains our steadfast rock and He is waiting to receive our prayers. Jesus also shows us that there is nothing we can’t ask for. We pray to the one who provides hope when we are hopeless. We pray to the one who sends faith when we feel none, and we pray to the one who loves us back beyond measure.


Jesus says, “but the Scriptures must be fulfilled.” In our own lives, we fulfill God’s path and plans for us as we journey through our time here on earth. This journey is not always an easy one, in fact, there are times when we might feel lost, hopeless, and scared of what is to come. This passage says, “everyone deserted him and fled.” Jesus felt and endured real earthly pain and suffering. And yet, Jesus died for us because he loved us and was resurrected so that we may have everlasting life with God.


Life giving God, when all hope feels lost, we know we can come to you. You alone are our hope and shield, you alone are our heart’s desire. We worship you because you called us into life, and you remain with us all the days of our life. Thanks be to God! Amen

Robin Anderson


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