Failure & Forgiveness
As we walk the path of Lent, we encounter stories that challenge and comfort us. Today, we are in the center of the Easter story, the moment where Peter, the bold, passionate disciple, denies Jesus three times. This scene, like many in the final hours leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion is very visual, I can picture it in my head like a movie. It brings feelings of disappointment, even judgement. But as we spend time with this passage and dive deeper, we unearth the true message hidden within this human experience.
Our first thought, “how could he?”, but Peter wasn't a villain; he was afraid. Surrounded by hostility, his courage crumbled. We, too, know fear - fear of losing loved ones, fear of the unknown, fear of failure. Like Peter, we might stumble and deny our values, our commitments, even our true selves, out of fear.
But what happens next? Peter doesn't remain in his fear or denial. The rooster's crow comes like the rising sun and reminds him of Jesus' words. In that moment, Peter doesn't fall into self-pity. He remembers Jesus' love, his forgiveness, and his unwavering faith in him.
This is the heart of the story. It's not about Peter's failure, but about the transformative power of forgiveness. Even during moments of hesitation and mistakes, God's love remains constant. Like the rooster's crow, it awakens us to our misjudgements, urging us to turn back to the light.
Lent is a time for reflection but it's also a time for remembering the endless grace of God. Thanks to God, we can ask forgiveness and from there we have the chance to learn, grow, and choose differently. Peter's story reminds us that even the deepest rejection doesn't break our connection with God. It's a call to embrace vulnerability, seek mercy, and step back into the light, just as Peter did.
Let us remember, this Lenten journey towards Christ is filled with both stumbles and strides, but even in the darkest moment’s God’s grace and love shine through, and each experience is another step forward on the path to redemption and renewal of Easter.
May this Lenten season be filled with the endless grace of God, the courage to face our fears, and the strength to turn to the light, walking ever closer to the love that awaits us from Jesus. Amen.
Aaron Andersen